Monday 27 February 2017

Week 26

20 February 2017
I passed most of the morning watching Victoria Derbyshire on the box. Had a conversation with Lisa on Messenger just before her and Matt left Oslo for Tromso on their tour in Norway. I've got my fingers crossed that they see the Northern Lights.

Later on she had wifi on the plane. They had to circle the airport for 30 minutes before landing because of heavy snow. Thankfully they finally got down on the ground and posted some snaps of the conditions.

In the afternoon I went for a ride on the bike and then called at our friends Dick & Jackie's for a coffee before going down to the clubhouse to download some entertainment for the evening. I've got the American version of Sherlock Homes and a couple of movies.

I'd heard on Bay Radio that the temperature in London was 18° and sunny and when I talked to Val that evening she said it was a warm and sunny day. Here in Catral it was 13°, cloudy with a cool breeze. There was a couple of hours in the afternoon when it felt warm.

After dinner I spent the evening with my movie downloads which kept me entertained, but as we move on at the weekend it feels like I'm firstly waiting for Val to get back and secondly to get back on the road. We will have been here for 36 days on Saturday and be more than ready to explore somewhere different.

21 February 2017
I woke up to a much sunnier morning. The shorts and tee shirt weather is back with a vengeance. I spent most of the morning listening to the radio and packing things away ready for our exit on Saturday. The tent is almost empty and our silver screens are stored in the compartment under the van. 

I chatted to Val over the phone around lunchtime to find Gregg had got tickets for himself, Solene and the boys for the Cup Final at Wembley on Sunday. Let's hope we get the right result. C'mon you Red Devil's. 

In the afternoon I was in touch with Lisa on Facebook. It had been snowing for most of the day and there was not much chance of seeing the aurora before tomorrow night. I just hope it happens for her. 

I went out on the bike and then down to the bar for a bit more Netflix downloading and then had an hour in the sun reading a nice book called Driving Over Lemons about a couple who bought an old farmhouse in Andalusia. 

After a Spag Bol dinner I got stuck into a far fetched Nicholas Cage movie which kept me amused for a couple of hours and then called it a night. 

22 February 2017
I had a busy morning taking the tent down, cleaning it and putting away all the paraphernalia that goes with it. There is only one outside carpet left and a few tent pegs to sort out on Saturday morning. 

My next door neighbour is of in the morning heading to Granada. He is a single chap and a keen motorcyclist and likes a good chap. He has told me the same tale about Benidorm for two days running. He had some ham going spare so it was ham and eggs for dinner. 

This afternoon after the washing up I went down to the bar to do some downloading, check the emails and see if Lisa had poster anything from Norway. I was good and didn't even have a drink. Then it was off on the bike to Catral to see if any of the English pubs are showing the United game at 6:00 pm.

It was down to Catral for the 2nd time to watch the match in a pub called The Tavern. I could have been in any small pub in the UK but they had the match on and United got a positive result. 

I was back in the van for about half eight and was waiting for news of Lisa on Facebook which came at about 11:00 pm. Her quest to see the Northern Lights was finally fulfilled and from what I read her and Matt got a dazzling show. Yeah. 

23 February 2017
After a solid sleep I woke late to a sunny day. It had rained in the night and everywhere was coated with a thin film of sand as always seems the case in this area. The Spanish don't seem to have a Scooby Doo when it comes to drainage systems so there was lots of large puddles all over the sight. The sun soon evaporated them and it was dry again. 

I spent the morning and beyond doing a few jobs the biggest of which was mending a puncture on Val's bike. The other stuff was to get the van ready to drive away later in the day to go and pick her up from Alicante Airport. She is supposed to touch down at 10:00 pm so it will be late by the time we get back to the site. 

The great news from Lisa is that her and Matt had a wonderful display of the Northern Lights. The photographs I have seen so far are a tiny bit grainy but fantastic nonetheless. Their guide was apparently very helpful setting up their camera as it needs a very slow exposure to get the best shots. They were lucky with the weather to get a clear window to see the lights as it's been snowing most of the time they have been in Tromso and it was snowing again not long after they got back to the hotel. 

My book kept me amused for the rest of the day until it was time to set off to Alicante. It about a couple who buy a run down farm and move to Andalusia. We picked up the coast of Spain just south of Barcelona and we haven't been greatly impressed. Unlike France it is lacking in any decent architectural design. Everywhere in France there are beautiful historic buildings. Apart from a couple of cities such as Valencia it is all high rise buildings that they seem to build right up to the sea front. Our fingers are crossed that the towns and cities further south are more pleasant to the eye. 

I parked up on the beach in Alicante waiting to pick Val up from the airport. I saw her flight come in as I was talking to Lisa on the phone who was tracking her on the net. Then it was just a case of waiting for her call to let me know she had disembarked and I was with her within ten minutes. Val was delayed about half an hour probably because of Dorris. When we got back to the site it was nearly midnight but we still enjoyed a nice drop of fizz to celebrate her return. Happy campers. 

24 February 2017
It was a warm night for sleeping and after a late sleep we woke to a cloudy day. The sun poked through for about half an hour but then it became cloudy again but still warm enough for a tee shirt. 

We spent the morning doing a few jobs the main one being getting the washing done as we might not have the use of a washing machine for a couple of weeks. 

Val went down to the pool for a swim at half past one leaving me to collect the laundry and do a bit of reading. She managed to get hold of another Tony Hawks book while she was in London so that will be next on my list. When she got back it was more washing and cooking so we have something for the first couple of days of our travels. 

Friday night is movie night in the clubhouse and we watched a film called Nocturnal Animals which was a dark tale of rape, murder and revenge. It most certainly kept us amused for a couple of hours. Then it was back to the van for an hour with Bay Radio and a book. The was an interview with Piers Morgan and Nigel Farrage at 10:00 pm Spain time but I couldn't be bothered to get the TV out of the cupboard and out of its box only to have to pack it away again, so we got our heads down for some welcome zzzz's. 

25 February 2017
We made the mistake of leaving some washing and two pillows out overnight which got a good soaking with the rain. The pillows had to go in the tumble dryer and with that and the numerous other packing up job and then going round to say goodbye to a few friends it was almost 1:00 pm by the time we got on the road.

We headed south to La Zenia to catch up with an old work colleague called Phil Dixon and his wife Lynda. We called at a couple of supermarkets on route to do some shopping and by the time we got parked up in our spot for the night it was 5:30 pm and we were meeting them at 6:00. It was only a short walk from where we parked the van and when we got there they had a couple of other friends there from Blackburn, Rob and Sue. 

The next stop was a Spanish bar with Happy Hour from 6:00 till 7:00, so we put our best foot forward and made the most of it. Stein's for €2.50 were enjoyed by the men whilst the ladies all had either wine or cava. What a nice way to start the evening. 

Then it was back to the apartment owned by Phil and his wife and two other couples. The ladies cooked some spiced chicken and various other bits and bobs for us all to make fajitas and very nice they were to. The evening went by in a flash which is always the sign of a good night and when we got back to the van we were asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillows. 

26 February 2017
We had arranged to meet with Phil and the gang for breakfast at cafe called the Captains Table in the little resort of Punta Prima about 5 km up the coast. They did a full English breakfast for €3 and very nice it was too. After that we walked down to the beach and along the promenade spending a pleasant hour strolling in the sunshine. 

It feels good to be back on the road again and not spending too much time in one place, although we have decided to stay here today so we can be certain of having somewhere to watch the cup final.

We had a quiet afternoon leading up to the final not wanting to get bobbins and miss the match. Phil and Rob had got some good seats when we landed at The Gap pub and the beer was Alhambra which slips down nice and easy. We got there with about fifteen minutes to kick off, perfect. It was a cracking game with United just edging it 3-2. Gregg, Solene and the boys were there, what a game for the boys first final. 

Although we had an invite back to Phil's we headed back to the van for a most welcome quiet night. We found a radio station with some good tunes and enjoyed a brew and a glass of wine before calling it a night at about half ten. Livin't dream. 

Monday 20 February 2017

Week 25

14 February 2017
It was all quiet in the van when I woke up at about 7:45. They were soon awake though wanting their porridge. 

Theodore helped Val with the washing and Louis helped me with the washing up before the Boules Championships where Grandpa took a beating. Down to the kids club where the boys played table tennis, went into soft play and did some colouring all before the barbecue back at the van. 

Boules next before swimming at 4:30 and then play park, kids club and boules again all before dinner. Theodore seems to love the game. 

We did the reading and maths that we forgot this morning and then two episodes of Pokemon. It's all go. 

We had a nightcap in the tent before Val got back in the van with the boys. There is some cloud cover tonight so it should be a warmer night than last night. Night night happy campers. 

We has a quiet start to the day with Louis having breakfast in bed. We read magazines and played a memory game before heading down to the golf. Next play park and then kids club before back to the van for barbecue number two. They really like toasted marshmallow. 

After lunch Theodore did the drying whilst I did the washing up and a very good job we did too. Then it was off to swimming with Mr T much more confident today, he was up and down the pool by himself. Guess what came next. The play park until kids club opened. There seems to be a pattern forming. 

This afternoon it was swimming, play park and kids club. Then one episode of Pokemon followed by homework, dinner and the Sam e episode of Pokemon again. We have run out of French videos so we might have to start at episode one again. 

Once the boys had chatted to Solene It was time for bed for them and a nightcap in the tent for Val and I. The week seems to be flying by. We've been trying to get down to Catral to do some shopping but there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day, especially with the siesta. Fingers crossed for tomorrow. 

16 February 2017
The boys slept almost 12 hours and then had a leisurely breakfast before having a word with papa on the phone. Then we finally drove down to Catral to do some shopping. We ended up in a toy shop where the boys took an hour to part with their €5 and even then they came out with change. Louis bought a game where you search for diamonds for €1. He asked the lady shopkeeper if the diamonds were real. He was disappointed when she said no. We certainly passed a good hour looking at all the toys. Talk about savvy shoppers. 

We gave Theodore the choice of searching for another shop that might sell football cards but he didn't want to miss kids club so it was back to the site pronto. 

After kids club it was barbecue number three. Jacket potatoes, cheese, tuna fish, salad and Chicken Andalusia. Yum yum. Dick and Jackie appeared with their dog Penny and we took her for a walk. Louis was a bit hesitant at first but he was throwing her ball and giving her drinks of water in no time. Another walk tomorrow is on the cards. 

Next came swimming and Theodore had gradually gained in confidence with each session. He took his arm bands off today for the last fifteen minutes without any encouragement from me. Play park until kids club opened and then I played table tennis with Louis who seemed to be able to watch TV with one eye whilst still playing with the other. 

The rest of the day is a blur. At some stage it was homework, dinner, Pokemon videos, chatting to maman, brushing teeth, story time and getting them in bed. 

We had a welcome nightcap in the tent at about 9:00 pm and by that time we were both brain dead. Where has the day gone?  There was time to catch up with the United score 1-0 up at half time but I don't think we'll see full time. Theodore will delight in telling us the score in the morning once he has checked it out online. Night night sleepy campers. 

17 February 2017
We've gone boules mad on the Costa Brava. We were out there first thing this morning. Grandpa, throwing the blue boules and the reigning world champion took one hell of a beating. 

We were down to the kids club for opening time. This time grandpa took another beating at table tennis. Theodore can now count to twenty in Spanish with grandpa lagging behind only being able to count to four. 

We retired to the van for Spaghetti Bolognese, yogurt and toasted marshmallows. The perfect diet just before an hours swimming. 

After the pool it was back to the boules on the top pitches for the last game of the holiday and then everyone's favourite dog Penny and her owner Dick called for the boys so that we could all go for a walk. 

Homework, reading, maths on the iPad, Pokemon videos and a story about someone called Bertie were all done before bedtime. Nana and grandpa then enjoyed a nightcap in the tent before hitting the hay. Four happy campers. 

18 February 2017
We woke up seconds before the alarm went off. Our early morning airport call. After a quick breakfast and no tidying up it was into the car for the half an hour drive to the airport and after kisses, hugs and waves they boys and Val were gone. 

I got back to the van to a text from Val to say they were on the plane and ready to go. So for five days I've been promoted to being boss again. The first job was some serious cleaning inside the van, shortly followed by the tent. The hire car had been used for the last time to pick up some beer and after a quick sweep out I took it back to reception and went into the bar to catch up with the blog. Why else would one go to the bar. 

The afternoon went by quickly and at 7:00 pm it was time for the variety show. It was a charity event with lots of amateur acts with a couple of ex professionals and it was a highly enjoyable and entertaining evening. I had a bit of a stagger on walking back to the van and was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. 

19 February 2017
It was a day with a hangover. The morning was taken up with Sunday's political TV programs and then it was time to do two days washing up and a bit more cleaning in the van. 

With Val in London with the Gregg and Solene I indulged in a relaxing afternoon and evening watching Netflix and doing very little else. I had a visit from Dick who came to collect load of oranges as we had a massive bag full. I kept up with the United' match against Blackburn Rovers on the Internet. 

The evening followed the same pattern and I entertained myself with the TV and got my head down early. 

Monday 13 February 2017

Week 24

6 February 2017
We were up and at em and in time for the coffee morning which started at 11:00. It helped us plan the week ahead and cleared up how to book the grandchildren in when they arrive.

After lunch we cycled into Catral just in time for siesta. Most of the shops including the Chinese Superstore were just shutting as we got there. We managed to get some supplies at the Dia Supermarket but we had gone to buy some guy ropes for the tent in an effort to stop it blowing away in the strong winds.

Back at the site in an effort to keep personal wifi usage down we called at reception and made use of the sites free wifi. Then it was back to the van to move it into a more permanent spot on our pitch which maximises the best spot for the sunshine and gives the tent a bit of protection from the wind.

After watching a little bit of the BBC News it was time for Quiz Night and we were fortunate to get sat at a table with a good crowd. We had a great night and even managed to win a prize. Yippee.

By the time we got back to the van there was just time to share a beer whilst putting the bed up and another day was almost at an end in sunny Spain. 20 to 23° forecast for tomorrow. Fingers well and truly crossed.

7 February 2017
We gave the Spanish lessons a miss this morning and had a ride down to Catral for a visit to the Chinese Shop. We wanted to check out the price and quality of guy ropes for the tent. We will call at Caravanas Cruz on the way to Alicante on Saturday now that we have something to compare with and maybe pick some up from there.

Back at the site we turned up late for the Pétanque so we had to have our own game. Kev 3-0 Val, get in. Although it was windy, it was warm. 21 - 23° according to Bay Radio. We sat out in the sunshine for the rest of the afternoon. We haven't put the tent back up yet as there are strong winds forecast for tomorrow.

We had been invited out for a trip to one of the Indian Restaurants in town but we fancied a quiet night watching another episode of The Crown, we've not many left to watch before we have seen the whole series.

8 February 2017
We woke late and had a quick shower before just making the trip to the orange picking. We picked two big bags ready to let the boys do some juicing when they arrive. It was lunchtime before we had time to enjoy that first brew of the day. Lovely.....

The afternoon was spent nailing the outside carpets back down as the wind dropped. No sooner had we got them down before it was blowing strongly again. The tent will have to wait until tomorrow. It was hot enough to sit out so we grabbed a few rays before having a beer in the site bar. 

Back to the van for Pointless and then the BBC News at 6:00 which is at 7:00 in Spain. We watched the penultimate episode of The Crown, oh no what will entertain us in future. One more night and then god only knows. We'll have to adopt a British attitude and cross one bridge at a time, not that there are any bridges in The Crown. Anyway, another day was done and dusted, where it went is up for debate. Night, night happy campers. 

9 February 2017
The main priority was to hire a car ready for Gregg and the boys arriving on Saturday. We booked through reception, not the cheapest car hire but the easiest. Tony who did the deal, after a bit of bartering agreed that we could fill up the tank rather than pay €70 to fill it up. Thumbs up. 

Then it was on the bikes to Catral, Dolores and finally Almoradi where we stocked up on provisions. It was At least 22km round trip and we had to be back for a barbecue organised by Dick & Jacks our friends from Northampton starting at 2:00 bells. 

We were home for 1:30 with what I thought was enough time to put the tent up. We were not that late and we had a great afternoon with some good food, good wine and some good company, plus a little Spanish Rum, mmmm...  Who would have remembered what time we got there? Our natural wit and charm would have compensated for our late arrival, we hope. 

We were back in the van for 9:00pm and the final episode of The Crown. Heavens above, what on earth are we going to watch tomorrow?  We'll worry about that when it comes. Night, night happy campers. 

10 February 2017
The plan was to cycle to the market at Crevilant but we slept long and hard and woke far too late to go. 

We spent most of what was left of the morning trying to get ready for the boys arrival, sorting out sleeping bags and towels and all the other paraphernalia that might be needed. 

At 1:30 we had arranged to go for the best fish and chips on the Costa Brava. The chippy was in a little town about 10 miles away from the site and we got a lift with Steve and his wife Gill. We ordered the menu-del-dia for €7. The fish was described as medium but with the chips, mushy peas, bread and butter it was hard work to finish it as the portions were that large. Thank god we didn't go in the evening as we wouldn't have had time to digest it before bed. 

When we got back to the site we had to sit down so we went down to the bar and caught up with the email etc. 

Friday night is film night so at 7:00 pm we sat down to watch "Girl on a Train", Val really enjoyed it but it wasn't my cup of tea. We didn't stay for the second film. It was back to the van for half an hour with Bay Radio and a cup of Rosie followed by an early night.

11 February 2017
I set the alarm so I could be at reception at 9:30 to pick up the hire car. Would you believe they forgot the booster seats for the boys. 

First stop was the market in Catral to pick up groceries. Then to the Caravan Shop in Elche which was closed. Lidl next for more groceries and then up to the beach near the airport to wait for Gregg and the boys to arrive. Normally you can see the flights coming in but not today. Lisa tracked the plane on the computer and let us know they had landed so we made our way up to arrivals and collected our cargo. 

First job back at the van was to feed everyone then it was down to the play park and the kids club to explore. Back at the van the boys watched a video whilst we got the tent ready for our first night of sleeping in it. 

Thankfully it wasn't a cold night and after a couple of brandies and a catch up with Gregg we got our heads down. The first days visit gone by in the blink of an eye. 

12 February 2017
We were up early and showered. Val got is all fed and then it was washing up and getting all the sleeping stuff away. Hard work when there is five in the van at the same time. 

First stop was the beach at La Marina where the boys had a great time playing on the climbing frame and dodging the incoming waves. 

Then into San Felipe Niri to a Spanish restaurant for lunch come dinner. It took so long to serve the various course that we seemed to be there the whole afternoon. Gregg kept the boys occupied with Pokemon on his phone which started the day on 83% charged but had run down to 0% by the time we left the restaurant. 

Then it was back to the site for some time on the play park and into the kids club before heading back to the van for more DVD's and a bite to eat before bedtime. 

Night two in the tent and thankfully it was as warm as last night. Another day that has raced by. 

Monday 6 February 2017

Week 23

30 January 2017
I woke for my first morning in charge to a cloudy start and with Val in the Big Apple I took the executive decision to have a lazy morning watching Victoria Derbyshire and the unfolding story of child abuse that has rocked football. What a sad story. Let's hope the victims receive the support they desperately deserve.

I started feeling guilty just before lunch that I hadn't done much except sit around watching TV so as boss I ordered myself to do some cleaning. The carpets that could be removed were taken outside for a good beating and the ones that couldn't be removed were thoroughly swept. Now I really was behaving like the boss and getting things done, namely some cleaning.

The afternoon was the walk into Catral to visit the Pomegranate Factory. I turned up at 3pm only to find the walkers left at 2pm and not the time stated on the posters. The daisies had already been donned so I set off heading into Catral. As I was perusing the road signs to take me into town my new friend Mike from Bridlington pulled up in his van so I got a lift and caught up with the walkers who set off earlier. Just as I got to the factory everyone was starting to come out and head back to the site so I tagged along and worked up enough thirst to enjoy a welcome beer down at the pub.

Val had left me plenty of food in so it was a TV dinner followed by the FA Cup draw on BBC's the One Show and then a Netflix movie and another day was done and dusted. Just before I climbed into bed I got a call from the girls who were walking over the Brooklyn Bridge heading back to the hotel ready for happy hour.

31 January 2017
I spent most of the morning sat out in the sunshine reading a Tony Hawks book about his adventures buying a house in the Pyrenees until I felt guilty about my lack of meaningful endeavour, so I got off my backside and swept out the tent and the outside carpet. Duty done I jumped on the bike and had a ride into Catral to do a bit of exploring. I found an English pub and an Indian restaurant which I'm sure we'll try on Val's return. 

After lunch it was time for Pétanque. I was teamed up with two old dudes called John and Trev and a younger lady of lesbian tendencies named Pauline. Together we made up Team E, although the three older members of the team called us Team D and Team F on numerous occasions. Only Pauline seemed to keep a clear picture of who we were. We played four games in total and managed two wins, a draw and a heavy defeat. I retired to the pub to lick my wounds. The girls phoned and sounded to be having a great time. It was 10am and snowing in the Big Apple. They had enjoyed a good breakfast and were headed to the Ice Skating Rink. 

My evening followed a familiar pattern. I enjoyed chilli-con-carne kindly left by Val to keep me going until her return. I only had to cook the rice following the step by step instructions, and very nice it was too. Washed down with a little vino tinto and a drop of brandy. Happy camper. 

1 February 2017
The first day of February started cloudy but by lunchtime the sun was cracking the flags. After a late start I headed out on the bike to do a bit of shopping down in town. 

The early afternoon was spent reclining in the sunshine with my Tony Hawks book. Expecting a call from the girls round about 2:30 pm I made my way down to the bar so that I could get my latest updates through Facebook, email and over the phone. The holiday sounded everything that the girls had anticipated. It was just after breakfast in the Big Apple and after enjoying Phantom of the Opera on Broadway last night, this morning they were heading to the Empire State Building. 

After the phone call and downloading a film on Netflix for tonight's entertainment it was back to the van to soak up some more rays. Both the sun and the temperature started to gradually fall around about 5:30pm. 

In the evening I enjoyed some more of Val's chilli but this time with noodles. Well, variety is the spice of life. I was a bit boring in sticking to the ritual of a little vino tinto to wash it down before another Netflix movie. Happy days. 

2 February 2017
It was a cloudy start to the day but I was up in plenty of time for the bike ride that started at 11:00am. I was breakfasted, showered and had even managed the washing up and up at the clubhouse with ten minutes to spare. Out of the clubhouse walks Jackie Parker, you could have blown me down with a feather. We were supposed to meet up with Dick and Jackie on the third of next month but here they were. It's a small world. 

It was too late to catch up as the bike ride was starting so off we cyclists went for a trip to a nearby nature reserve. It took us about half an hour to get there and then another half hour to follow the board walk around the watering hole where we parked the bikes. Then it was off to an observation tower a couple of kilometres further along. We had a coffee stop in a small village near Catral and the back to the site for about 1:30pm. 

After a spot of lunch it was time to go and catch up with Dick and Jackie who I hadn't seen since the Balloon Festival in Bristol back in about September last year. We chewed the fat and Dick even had a word with Val as her phone call coincided with my visit. After a trip down to reception to catch up on Lisa's emails and to look at the girls posts on Facebook it was half five before I knew what was happening. 

The evening followed its usual course. I had chilli for the third night on the run followed by a couple of small glasses of vino tinto and a video we had swapped with a couple we met a few weeks back. The DVD had three films on is so I was spoiled for choice. I chose Gwyneth Paltrow and Anthony Hopkins which proved a success. 

After a call from the girls who were tired after a hard day's sightseeing and ready to head off to the airport to get their flight I got my head down. The next time I speak To the girls they will be in the UK.

3 February 2017
I was up with the alarm for a trip out to Elche to visit Caravanas Cruz to buy some parts for the van. I have been back filling the gas through the Barbeque Point but when we used the fire we have been getting fumes in the van. I'd seen a fiends set up and it was a case of getting what's called a pig tail connection. Caravanas Cruz is Motorhome outlet with what they described as Super-market of accessories and they duly had the right connectors. When I hooked the gas bottle up in the normal way the fume problem was cured. Yeah. 

After lunch I walked down to the bar to catch up with emails and to update the blog using the sites wifi. I got a call from the girls who were on their way to Crouch End to meet the boys from school and to see Madeleine. I downloaded an episode of The Crown ready for Val's return tomorrow afternoon. Then it was back to the van to soak-up some sun and finally finish my Tony Hawks book. 

Tonight's entertainment was film night in the clubhouse. Bridget Jones Baby was followed by The Light Between Oceans. The first film was great with plenty of laugh out load moments. Rene Zellweger looked unnatural, she had obviously had lots of surgery. I suppose it's the way of the world these days but her face had lost its prettiness. The second film was a dour Australian drama and not to be recommended. 

I'd made up the bed before I went to the clubhouse so it was straight in the scratcher and I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillows. 

4 February 2016
After sleeping like a log for about eleven hours I woke just before Val was boarding her plane at Gatwick. After some breakfast and a shower I got the van packed up ready to go. I called at Caravanas Cruz on the way to Alicante but had no joy in trying to purchase a Carbon Monoxide detector. 

Next stop was a wild camping spot on the beach about seven kilometres from the airport. I watched Val's plane fly overhead as she came into land. We had camped at the same spot when we got back from the UK after Christmas. 

She gave me a missed call for the signal to pick her up at the prearranged spot and we were on our way in no time at all. A trip to Aldi to stock up for the boys arrival next Saturday came next and then it was back to the site. 

After dinner Val managed an episode of The Crown only dozing two or three time. A quick rewind or two got her to the end before we called it a night. Tired campers. 

5 February 2017
We woke up to a windy morning, so windy that we moved the van into a position that gave the tent some protection. The wind got stronger as the morning progressed so much so that whilst Val was in the shower the tent started to blow down. Fortunately the lady next next door noticed my predicament and helped me get it down into a safe position. When Val got back we packed it in a fashion and we got it into the van out of the wind. I had a walk over to our friends Dick and Jackie to see if I could help with their tent which had blown down but they were out. 

The afternoon was spent cleaning the vans interior, Val seemed to find dust everywhere. I followed up with a drying cloth and it didn't take that long. We went for a walk about half three and ended up in the bar just in time for the match at five. Whilst I watched a great performance from the boys Val got stuck into the wifi and communicated with the outside world. We got some great videos and photographs of Madeleine and the boys. 

After mellowing in the United result we had a longed for spag bol. I was having cravings whilst Val was away. Then it was another episode of The Crown and another day was done and dusted on the Costa Brava. Happy Campers.